Table formatting options

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Table formatting options

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There are lots of ways to customize the formatting of tables:

You can use conditional formatting rules to highlight cells within tables, with either colors or alternative text

Tables can be numbered. Just change the setting in Tools / Options and settings /  Options for this document / Tables / 4 - table numbering and choose 'Print figure number for each table'.
This means that tables have their own sequence number, for example
(your table..)
'Table 42'
You can also make table numbers in the form 'X-Y' where 'X' is a heading, and 'Y' is the sequence number of the table within that heading

Tables which are within a single element (vertical or horizontal 'inline tables') can also be auto-numbered, with the name or alias of their parent element.
Choose Tools / Options and settings /  Options for this document / Tables / 4 - table numbering and 'Use auto naming of tables'
You can also switch from using the element name or the alias, for example:
(your table)
'Table 42 - Your element name'