

A simple and quick editing capability for EA modelers, saving time and effort.

Adding and Editing

Is making bulk edits to EA data boring and time-consuming? With eaSheets, it isn’t.

Elements and Relationships

Importing large amounts of data into your model is simple. And not just elements, attributes and Tagged Values. Import the structure of your model too, with related elements – all in the same spreadsheet.

Packages and Diagrams

And once you’ve added that data, it’s easy to make any changes you need – just open any EA package or diagram in an eaSheets spreadsheet, edit it, and save it. Make large numbers of changes quickly by copy/pasting content from one element to lots of others. Change the stereotype, priority or other field of a whole set of elements with a single swipe.

Tailor what you see

Choose the element types and stereotypes to open in your spreadsheet, and then just the fields and TVs that you need to work with. You can also use standard spreadsheet functions such as conditional formatting to make the information more easy to interpret.

Frequently used templates

Once you’ve got the spreadsheet looking just how you want it, save it as a template. Then it’s easy to come back and carry on working exactly where you left off. After all, opening your EA data in a spreadsheet is not a once in a lifetime experience. Not when it’s as easy as this.

Use your model in new ways

All the spreadsheet features mean that with eaSheets you can be much more productive, and spend more time on your modeling instead of data entry. Not only that, but Smart Tags provide a way to do something new: combine the relationships in your model with spreadsheet mathematical and logical functions.

So you can calculate things like the maximum/minimum or sum/average of any parameters in your design. What’s the total mass of the components in this design? Whats the peak or average power consumption? Or what are the earliest/latest dates for support of elements of your architecture?

With eaSheets your model can deliver even more really valuable insights.



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Take a free, no obligation, 30-day trial of eaSheets. eaSheets is part of eaTeamWorks, so you can also trial eaDocX, Revision Manager, Model Expert and Portfolio Manager. Plus free for life EA modeling features. Discover for yourself the difference that working with eaSheets will make to your EA modelling.
