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Home Forums Model Expert queries configuring Model and validation Reply To: configuring Model and validation

Ian Mitchell

Hi Marie,
Thanks for the test file. Good idea to send it as a Zipped .txt file – I just renamed it to .XML, and it loaded fine into my PostgreSQL test database.
Just like when you loaded it into a new repository, it seems to create the dashboard OK. I tried to create a meta-model diagram from the dashboard, and there was a temporary error, but then it displayed OK.
…your test data didn’t touch quite a lot of the function Model Expert, as there are no connectors.

When a package creates errors like this, but then they go away when the package is exported and re-imported into a new repository, this shows that there are low-level inconsistencies in the source data. Lots of these are easily removed using the Ea built-in EA integrity check (Configure / Model / Integrity / Project Integrity), but it doesn’t find everything.
Taking a backup, exporting the package to XMI, deleting the package, then re-importing it works well, though beware if the package is heavily liked to other parts of the model.
Less dangerous way is to try Model Expert on sub-packages, and see which one creates the error, then repeat the steps above on a much smaller scale.
I hope this helps

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