
Home Forums eaDocX queries Personal Folder does not save in Application Settings > Document Management Reply To: Personal Folder does not save in Application Settings > Document Management

Home Forums eaDocX queries Personal Folder does not save in Application Settings > Document Management Reply To: Personal Folder does not save in Application Settings > Document Management

Ian Mitchell

You are quite correct!
Issue has now been fixed in v5.0.5.9, now on the website. Sorry about that.
You might like to know that we plan to retire some the document management functions of eaDocX in V6, specifically:
– assigning people to document roles
– definition of those roles.
– ideas about approval and sign-off of documents.
Our research indicates that organisations who need this kind of function use dedicated document management systems, and use eaDocX to just create the documents, not managem them.
If you want to know more, please contact me..

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