
Home Forums eaDocX queries multiple object type profiles per document Reply To: multiple object type profiles per document

Home Forums eaDocX queries multiple object type profiles per document Reply To: multiple object type profiles per document

Ian Mitchell

Good question!
The first requirement we had for eaDocX – 13 years ago – was to make documents consistent, so that a use case in one part of a document looked just like a use case somewhere else.
Only later did we understand that sometimes this is not quite enough, so then we allowed different profiles for different stereotypes of elements, which is what we have now. So if your use cases have different stereotypes, then that’s easy.
If you need use cases of the same stereotype to have a different appearances in the same document, you can do this by printing some of the use cases as Element Reports. Each Element Report can have its own profiles, so you can then, for example, have a short form of a use case in one place in the document, then a set of element reports elsewhere with more details.
All this is described in the help – just look into inserting element reports.
If you have any more questions, please add this post.

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