
Home Forums eaTeamWorks Error in the preview section – the document is not completely generated. Reply To: Error in the preview section – the document is not completely generated.

Home Forums eaTeamWorks Error in the preview section – the document is not completely generated. Reply To: Error in the preview section – the document is not completely generated.

Ian Mitchell

Somehow the Profile and the document have got out of synch.
This error happens when eaDocX looks through the document to find all the eaDocX sections (the bits which start and end with the pink text), but when it looks into the Profile, it can find anything about that section.
Best plan is to delete the section manually from the document (select text from BEFORE the pink bits, to AFTER the end of the ‘end’ pink bits, and delete that from the document. Don’t worry, all the content comes from EA, so you will not lose anything.)
Then just add back a new section, in the right place, and re-generate.

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