
Home Forums eaDocX queries EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation Reply To: EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation

Home Forums eaDocX queries EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation Reply To: EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation

Julian Irving

I’m getting the same issue. Can you tell me if Enterprise Architect 17.0.1704 64Bit is fully compatible with eaTeamWorks_64_bit_1.3.7.8.msi?

It does install but if you then bring up a use case diagram in EA and attempt to get the context menu (right click) on any item in the diagram, the application crashes. If you then uninstall eaTeamWorks_64_bit this allows EA to work correctly. It therefore appears to be eaTeamWorks_64_bit that is the cause of the instability.

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