
Home Forums eaDocX queries EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation Reply To: EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation

Home Forums eaDocX queries EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation Reply To: EA crashes when using right-click after eaDocX installation

Ian Mitchell

Yes, that eaTeamWorks version is compatible with EA 17. It’s the EA version we run in our test environment.
The challenge here is that when eaTeamworks creats the correct menu items for a right-click, It go into the repository, and we don’t know exactly what we will find there. In your case, something which EA doesn’t like.
I have added some more error checking into version, which is now on the website.
This isn’t the smartest way to fix it, but it might work.
If not, I may ask you to try and create the smallest possible repository which still shows the error, then I cna see what EA doesn’t like.
So please, if you can try this new version, let me know what happens.

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