
Home Forums eaDocX queries Cross-reference to EA element linked documents Re: Cross-reference to EA element linked documents

Home Forums eaDocX queries Cross-reference to EA element linked documents Re: Cross-reference to EA element linked documents

eadocX Support

The border bit is a setting in EA, which determines whether the graphic which is produced at the clipboard interface does or doesn’t have a border round it. I don’t know how to change those settings from inside eaDocX i.e. through the EA API.
I am currently in discussions with Sparx about getting a much better diagram API, which will give me access to their internal diagram functions e.g. splitting, rotating, but don’t count on it any time soon.

As for the conversion of hyperlinks to page/figure references, this used to be in the original eaDocX, many years ago, but was taken out as people seemed to like hyperlinks better. I’d thought we might get it back as an option one day, but how would it be controlled? I assume that sometime you’d sometimes like a hyperlink, sometimes a page reference (maybe both together), but where would that be specified ? As a new Attribute ? i.e. add it to the list of available attributes: “Name”, “Name – hyperlinked”…”Name – page ref.” ?

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