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I have the same issue with a MS Surface. The document window in EADocX has “disappeared to the right” after I tried expanding this window size by dragging the left boarder to the left, and so is no longer viewable.
I reduced my text size in Display settings from 200% (recommended) to 100%, which made all text in EADocX “microscopic”, but it did cause the document window to be viewable again.
However, when I tried resizing the document window again, this window “disappeared to the right” again and now I can’t reduce test size in Display Settings any further, so the document window is seemingly “gone forever” (not viewable).
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but EADocX “remembered” the last layout and so the document window is still not viewable.
Is there any way I can uninstall “completely” such that the default view in EADocX will show the document window again (that I will never try to adjust again)!?
Please help!!
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