
Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocX 3.9 installation error 80040154 with EA 15 eaDocX 3.9 installation error 80040154 with EA 15

Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocX 3.9 installation error 80040154 with EA 15 eaDocX 3.9 installation error 80040154 with EA 15

eadocX Support

[thanks for keeping my name out of the Sparx forum thread 🙂 ]

Why can’t your client upgrade their eadocX version? This is why we have new releases, so we can keep up with changes to OS and Office.
Also, assuming I could re-build with a newer .NET version, how would they download it?
They can only do that if their licences are in support, in which case, why not download the latest eaDocX version, which has all kinds of other fixes as well ?

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