
Home Forums eaDocX queries EADOCX and a Server connected model EADOCX and a Server connected model

Home Forums eaDocX queries EADOCX and a Server connected model EADOCX and a Server connected model

eadocX Support

“Table doesn’t exist” is indeed a very strange error message.
Looking at the code, when you start creating a new Relationship Matrix, the most obvious database call is where eaDocX reads the T_TRXTYPES table (I think for the only time) to get a list of already-defined relationship matrices in EA, but there are almost certainly lots of other bits of database access as well.

Are you comparing two MySQL DBs here, or a local EAPX and a server-based MySQL ?
You mention ‘locked down’ – do these take the form of additional database constraints, on top of EA’s security?

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