
Home Forums eaDocX queries Empty enum tagged value conditional formatting Empty enum tagged value conditional formatting

Home Forums eaDocX queries Empty enum tagged value conditional formatting Empty enum tagged value conditional formatting


then I think I could localize the problem more specific:
If you have an enum tagged value, and it’s empty, then in my case the newest EaDocX doesn’t do what you wrote it should.
Enum tagged value:
(It’s without “Default”, because I realized this is reproducible without it more easily.) Don’t set any value for the tagged value, then in my experience, eaDocX

  1. doesn’t detect it as empty in the first step, so it doesn’t replace it by “n/a”,
  2. and doesn’t detect it as empty with CF
  3. and doesn’t detect it as “n/a” with CF (because of 1.)
  4. and doesn’t detect it as “” with CF (rule type=text; condition=same as; and I left the “value” field empty).

Can you reproduce this behaviour, or for you, this works? I can send you a new eap for testing if it’s necessary.

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