
Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel export of element resource details of tasks Excel export of element resource details of tasks

Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel export of element resource details of tasks Excel export of element resource details of tasks

Nils Pflüger

I just created an example view, added a diagram and three blocks and three Tasks.
To all of these six elements I allocated resources.

Then I tried to Export them again using: eaXL => create new workbook
And Setting the elements and columns shown in the screenshots.

A screenshot of the resulting Excel workbook is added.

If I try to edit the expected hours within Excel and re-import it to EA the attachted error message is shown. No changes on the expected hours are imported.
The compare EA to Excel Option notes no (!) differences.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Nils Pflüger. Reason: added screenshot of Excel workbook instead of the workbook itself

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