
Home Forums eaDocX queries Font sizes for headings Font sizes for headings

Home Forums eaDocX queries Font sizes for headings Font sizes for headings

Heather Wallace

I’ve set up a bunch of styles in my eaDocX Word 2007 document called CLAS_Heading_1, CLAS_Heading_2 …(see attached document – for styles only). Font sizes are:
CLAS_Heading_1 – 16pt
CLAS_Heading_2 – 14pt
CLAS_Heading_3 – 12pt
CLAS_Heading_4 – 11pt
CLAS_Heading_5 – 10pt
CLAS_Heading_6 – 10pt

In EA10. I use Tools, Options and Settings, inline text settings to select CLAS_Heading_1 for Heading 1 style, CLAS_Heading_2 for Heading 2 style etc..

I generate my document using the draft option (because of the SystemAccessViolationException bug I reported in June #979). Perhaps the sizes would have been corrected in the final pass that doesn’t occur working in draft mode?


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