
Home Forums eaDocX queries Information Flow – Items Conveyed Information Flow – Items Conveyed

Home Forums eaDocX queries Information Flow – Items Conveyed Information Flow – Items Conveyed

eadocX Support

Hi Neil,
If it’s any consolation, I had to try this to see how I made it work….
My test case was 3 Classes, Class1..3, with an ‘information flow’ relationship between 1 and 2, passing Class3 as an information item.
Created a Quick Document of the package, then added an additional column to the table of classes. When you choose ‘Information Flow’ as the Relationship type, then you get two additional fields at the bottom of the ‘attributes of the Relationship’ drop-down: I chose ‘Information Items – Hyperlinked’ which then give me a new column for Class1, which has a hyperlink to Class3.
Takes much longer to type than to do!

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