
Home Forums Model Expert queries Missing Addon.. :( Missing Addon.. :(

Home Forums Model Expert queries Missing Addon.. :( Missing Addon.. :(


Unfortunately we cannot alter our policies due to the work we do. There’s no way we can give users admin access to Windows machines.
However, we had a similar issue with eaDocx (it was absent altogether after install) and it was a simple matter of copying the registry entry for the eaDocx addon into the user area, as below.
([HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSparx SystemsEAAddinseaDocXAddIn]

We did this same registry copy for ModelExpert post-install but are now getting the ‘missing 0x800401f3’ error.
Its a common well-documented error with EA plugins usually relating to registration of the supporting DLL files. I was hoping you had some alternative suggestions as to how we could make this work.
If this cannot work within our environment I’ll simply pass this back to the project manager and we’ll call it a day; the benefit of trialling before purchase.

Thanks for your input.

  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Jon.

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