
Home Forums eaDocX queries MSWord style setting for UC structured scenarios MSWord style setting for UC structured scenarios

Home Forums eaDocX queries MSWord style setting for UC structured scenarios MSWord style setting for UC structured scenarios

eadocX Support

There is no specific style for structured scenario steps. If you choose to print them in a table, they will use the ‘table’ style settings, if inline, then the inline styles will be used.
If you have not specified a style to be used e.g. for table text, then Word will use the ‘Normal’ (in UK English) style, which seems to often default to Times New Roman 12.
So, if you’re printing the steps in tables, create a style in Word, and call it something like ‘tableText’ (note – no spaces allowed in style names – HTML restriction), then in eaDocX Options and Settings, choose your ‘tableText’ style for ‘Text style – table cells’.

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