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Home Forums eaDocX queries Navigating behaviour Navigating behaviour

Heather Wallace

It is not possible to show all the relationships on one diagram, so I’ve built and exported a mini package containing a sequence diagram, a relationships diagram and all the involved elements. The note in yellow on the relationship diagram explains what I am hoping to achieve in terms of hops.

The document output would be as follows:

Stating at (e.g.) the Sensor Infrastructure Functions Package
1. [Package Name]
1.1 SEFunction: [SEFunction Name]
[SE function description]
Logical data elements consumed*:(list of names of data elements consumed)
Logical data elements produced*:(list of names of data elements produced)

repeat for other SE Functions, as 1.2, 1.3 etc
* See yellow note on relationships diagram for expected hop sequence.

I hope this is clearer,


  • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by Heather Wallace. Reason: Formatting when uploaded to site looked confusing

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