
Home Forums eaDocX queries Compatability with Excel 2003 Re: Compatability with Excel 2003

Home Forums eaDocX queries Compatability with Excel 2003 Re: Compatability with Excel 2003

Adrian Support


Just built a fresh VM with EA 10, eaDocX and Office 2003 and as you say it is possible to save files with the wrong extension although my version of XL didn’t complain.

If you use the “file | save as” menu it will name the file with the extension .xlsx which is incorrect 2003, I checked and looks like the internal format of the created file is correct, so by renaming the file from say bookxxx.xlsx to bookxxx.xls it should work.

Alternatively, if you use close the tab and save the file from the presented dialog it will save with a .xls extension.

In all cases the content appeared valid – so it is an extension issue. Interestingly we didn’t get a warning but they may due to differing configurations. It would be useful to know that by renaming you can open the file OK.


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