
Home Forums eaDocX queries Creating a table with only ‘initial values’ shown Re: Creating a table with only ‘initial values’ shown

Home Forums eaDocX queries Creating a table with only ‘initial values’ shown Re: Creating a table with only ‘initial values’ shown

eadocX Support

Hi Joe.
Not sure eaDocX can print what you need, at least not starting from Initial Values of attributes.
We have, however, spent quite a bit if time thinking about how to make header pages easier to automate.
Have you looked at adding a ‘Document Information section? This gives to 20+ attributes which you can add, some from the Word document, others from eaDocX e.g. Author, date/time. Where there aren’t fields you need, you could hijack them for ones which you do need.
I suggest displaying the Document Information section as ‘Inline’ but with two horizontal inline tables: just click the check-box next to the attribute, and fiddle around to get tables which run across the page.
This probably won’t give you exactly what you want, at least not sourcing it from Initial Values on your model, but should get you quite close. It’s one of the things which we’ve had to get used to with eaDocX: we can’t deliver 100% customisation AND a sensible user experience: the Sparx RTF has gone the other way : 100& customisable, poor Ux.
You’ll have an alternative in eaDocX 3.3, where you can define you own custom fixed-value attributes, but these are kept in the document, not in the model.


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