
Home Forums eaDocX queries EA 9.0 ? Re: EA 9.0 ?

Home Forums eaDocX queries EA 9.0 ? Re: EA 9.0 ?

eadocX Support

There is a sample .eap file – “eaDocX Sample.EAP” and some documents which can be generated from it. These should be installed in c:program default, or elsewhere if you said different during the install.
Try to load the sample.eap repository, and load & re-genernate the samples.

It’s OK to have more than one section in a document: but they can’t overlap. There are two eaDocX Word bookmarks for each section, and you can’t add another section between these bookmarks. Ouside is fine -most of my documents have 5-10 sections.

Also, we don’t formally support EA9.0 just yet – (I’m still doing testing, now that there is a non-Beta version.) but the testing so far hasn’t found any problems with 9.0

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