
Home Forums eaDocX queries Error in opening Excel Workbook Re: Error in opening Excel Workbook

Home Forums eaDocX queries Error in opening Excel Workbook Re: Error in opening Excel Workbook


I do not see any excell notebook when I create a new one.
Row ID info
1 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
2 Start of eaXL_Pane New @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
3 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
4 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID before = 0 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
5 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID after = 2496 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
6 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – xl application process ID = 2496 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
7 Start of eaXL_Pane New @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
8 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
9 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID before = 2496 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
10 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – total procID after = 7916 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
11 eaXL_Pane – _xlPresent – xl application process ID = 5420 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36
12 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36 End of Panel Load Event
13 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:36 XLMain Load event
14 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58 Create New Click Button
15 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58 Start Load Document
16 @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
17 eaXL_Pane – start of openDocument @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
18 eaXL_Pane – xlApplication = Microsoft Excel @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
19 eaXL_Pane – Exception 0 System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80028018): Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbooks.Add(Object Template)
at eaXL_ExcelTest.eaXL_Pane.openDocument(String filename) @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58
20 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:18:58 End Load Document
21 ID2: @ 1/01/0001 16:19:08 Start of Copy list view to Clipboard

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