
Home Forums eaDocX queries How to identify unnamed connections Re: How to identify unnamed connections

Home Forums eaDocX queries How to identify unnamed connections Re: How to identify unnamed connections

eadocX Support

Ah – this is a tricky problem.
As you correctly observe, in your example, the results are ambiguous.
This is exactly why we developed the ‘Relationship Table’ idea.
In this case, you specify the relationships you want to navigate just once, then print attributes of the elements (& connector) which result. It’s not as neat as how you might create the table manually, but we had a really good attempt to produce the more complex table that would be the perfect solution, and it was really hard to understand – hard for us, problably very hard for most users. Above all, we want to keep eaDocX as simple as possible.
Rather than explain it again, have a look in the eaDocX help under Relationship table: it’s quite a full description of the problem & solution. If that doesn’t explain it, re-post, and I’ll think about adding more to the help.

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