
Home Forums eaDocX queries import single element to excel loses tagged values Re: import single element to excel loses tagged values

Home Forums eaDocX queries import single element to excel loses tagged values Re: import single element to excel loses tagged values

Wayne Stidolph

The difference is that I start by creating the Requirement Req1 in EA, with a TV, then I right click on the Req1 in the package browser and select Extensions | eaDocX | Open in Excel | Element. Now look at the single-line spreadsheet which opens (no TV displayed), and look in the Columns tab – there’s no TV entry to check

For the second, I just create yet another Requirement (with TV) in EA, then I drag that new Req2 on top of Req1, so Req2 appears as an indented “owned by” child of Req1. I can’t get to Req2 starting from the package level (not following ownedBy links?) nor does directly opening Req2 yield any TV (just as with Req1)

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