
Home Forums eaDocX queries Server Busy – Modal Dialog Re: Server Busy – Modal Dialog

Home Forums eaDocX queries Server Busy – Modal Dialog Re: Server Busy – Modal Dialog

eadocX Support

We agree – this is a pain.
We’ve had several tries to fix this one. When you try to open a document in eaDocX which is already opened in Word elsewhere, we tried to take-over to the document, but that seems a bit dangerous – someone else might be using it.
The only advice we can give is to only edit eaDocX documents inside eaDocX: the most common place this occurs is when the same person opens the document in native Word and eaDocX.
We can’t figure out how to make this dialog come to the top, as it’s produced by Word, not eaDocX.

The problem is easily fixed by:
– close eaDocX
– open the file in native Word, which may complain that the document is broken – it usually isn’t
– close the document nicely
– kill-off any dangling winword.exe isnatnces, using task manager
– open in eaDocX, and carry on…

Not simple, but most users seem to get used to only openeing in eaDocX.

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