
Home Forums eaDocX queries Sort order issue? Sort order issue?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Sort order issue? Sort order issue?

Ken Norcross

I contructed a simple test case and the problem seems related to element sorting when the list contains multiple stereotypes.

I created an object diagram, dropped 4 Class elements on the surface, and gave them Aliases of 001, 002, 003, 004

Alias 001, 003 => added Stereotype A
Alias 002, 004 => added Stereotype B

Diagram and all elements in one package.

Created a simple report, based on the diagram and all contents.

Created a simple profile for Class elements, print inline, header of Alias and Name, added one atribute of Stereotype to print in an inline table. Set sorting to sort on Alias, A-Z.

Results print in 001, 003, 002, 004 order

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Ken Norcross.

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