
Home Forums eaDocX queries Unnecesary caption style generated Unnecesary caption style generated

Home Forums eaDocX queries Unnecesary caption style generated Unnecesary caption style generated

eadocX Support

OK – I get the picture: you don’t like the blank lines!
I’ll have a look at all the places where we add an extra line (usually because it makes MOST documents look neater..) and either remove them, or make an option.
One problem is that sometimes these extra lines are needed. If, for example, you choose to print TWO Relationship Tables, one after the other, then without the extra lines, the tables would stick together and look very strange. The eaDocX Generator is highly modular, and prints each table separately, so one tables doesn’t know it’s followed by another. Hence adding a blank line just to be safe.
What you you like us to do about this? (clue – re-writing the Generator just for this isn’t an option!)

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by eadocX Support. Reason: additional comments

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