

Spend your time solving business problems, not fixing your model.

We’ve all done it – you spot one small mistake in the diagram you’re looking at, and suddenly it’s two hours later, and you’ve done nothing but re-check the tagged values on thirty elements. And then when you produce your documentation at the end, you spot one final typo that you just have to fix because that one stakeholder will definitely notice.

With eaTeamWorks, checking and changing large parts of your model is quick and easy. 

Become a Model Expert

Discover how your model works with an instant meta model for a section of your model. Model Expert lets you quickly find anomalies or missing data, drilling down into the detail of connectors, elements and tagged values with a few easy clicks to ensure your model is complete and correct. 

Compare your work to a reference model to be sure your modeling is correct, that you and your team are using the same modeling conventions, and easily create validation rules to apply to any type of modeling and ensure you’re all on the same page. 

Get Smart with eaSheets

eaSheets lets you open your model in a spreadsheet and quickly make bulk edits. Things like changing stereotypes, adding tagged values, correcting spellings and adding sequential references. Making your modeling more efficient.

You can also perform calculations using tagged values based on the structure of your model. Compare options using arithmetic functions applied to the contents of your model. Calculate total mass, average power or peak cost. Or find the earliest or latest support expiry dates for a set of architectural components. Making your model even more useful.

Generate smart documents

If Prolaborate isn’t an option for your organization, or you have to create documents to satisfy your department or project governance process, then you need docuemtns. And creating documents to share EA model content with stakeholders can be a trial – unless you have an in-house EA documentation expert, or are a wizz with scripts. But now eaDocX means that anyone who knows how to use Word can create the documents they need, quickly, and to a high quality. And use them to collect feedback that can be quickly and efficiently incorporated back into the model.

Easily create the documents your stakeholders need with contents based on packages, searches, views, diagrams and more. Print relationship matrices with additional columns and rows. include hyperlinks and apply conditional formatting.  Add cross reference reports and smart glossaries. And all formatted using the Word styles and document extras your readers expect. Generate high quality documents straight from your EA model. It’s even easier than you think.

Then use ea Revision Manager to quickly save edits directly from your eaDocX generated documents back into the model. Make simple quick changes when you generate your document, as part of your final quality check.

When your stakeholders have reviewed the data in your documents, you can combine lots of different sets of feedback from all your different stakeholders and documents in one go! Revision Manager collates all the responses and groups them together package by package, element by element, diagram by diagram – making it quick and easy to process what everyone wants, choose the best option, and update your model directly.

Collaborate across projects

You want to do your modeling once – and if you are changing or using existing modeling as part of your work, it’s good to know that no-one else is working on the same stuff, or using the same parts of the model that you are changing. One way of doing that is to lock packages to specific users. But what happens if two projects or teams need to work on the same content at the same time?

Modeling with Portfolio Manager will let you see possible conflicts, and alert you if others are working in the same space. You can run impact assessments and find out who will be affected by your changes. You can see when others are already making changes and updates that will impact your modeling. And you can provide your project manager with information about project dependencies. Equipped with this information, for every element in your new modeled solution, you will avoid wasted time and effort.

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Download a free trial

Download eaTeamWorks today for several free for life features, plus no obligation, 30-day trials of all the products: eaDocX, ea Revision Manager, eaSheets, Model Expert and PortfolioManager. Discover for yourself why we sell the world’s best-selling Enterprise Architect extension.
