
Home Forums eaSheets queries Exporting information on related elements Reply To: Exporting information on related elements

Home Forums eaSheets queries Exporting information on related elements Reply To: Exporting information on related elements

Ian Mitchell

If you just open the package which contains the Application Components as a ‘Smart Sheet’ (right click on the package, then Specialize / eaSheets / Open Smart Sheet), then eaSheets will find ALL types of elements related to each Application Component, and create column in the sheet for each one.

If there are currently no related elements, then you can use the idea of a ‘Template Element’.
This means just creating an Application Component, with all the relationships you care about – it can be a dummy compoment, which you only use for this reason- and putting it into the package.
Then, when eaSheets opens the package, it will automatically populate the columns you need.
There will be some more information on this technique on the website soon – I will update this post when it’s written.

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