
Home Forums eaDocX queries Document Versions Removed Following Multi-Doc Gen Document Versions Removed Following Multi-Doc Gen

Home Forums eaDocX queries Document Versions Removed Following Multi-Doc Gen Document Versions Removed Following Multi-Doc Gen

Jason Blewitt

Okay, bad news first:
I’ve attempted a regeneration with two documents and that worked fine, but when I attempted it again with five I got the original error with the loss of documents.

Good news:
I can replicate the issue with ease as it actually appears to be certain documents which cause the error. It looks like with certain documents, when eaDocX attempts to find the document, it looks in the wrong place. As it can’t find the file, I get an unhandled exception and lose any document from that point in the generation process forward. I.e. when it error’d on document 3, I also lost 4 and 5.

I took this test one step further by adding the document back into DM and testing if I could re-open the document. If I attempt to open the document by choosing the specific version, it opens fine within eaDocX as desired. If however, I right click the Document artifact and request to open the latest version, eaDocX looks for the document in a different location to where the document is stored, can’t find it, so errors again and loses the versions as above.

All these templates were created in the latest eaDocX version in the same way:

  1. Select to create new document from with eaDocX
  2. Import eaDocX profile
  3. Apply company styling
  4. Add reports (same across each document)
  5. Add packages for extraction (same model just different packages for different areas)
  6. Regenerate in local Documents folder
  7. Add to DM

Therefore I can’t see why eaDocX attempts to look in a different location for certain documents. Any ideas?

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