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I have fixed (1) – table-of-tables will now update correctly.
As for (2), where should eaDocX get the caption from? The field which is ‘table title’ is used to add an additional heading above each table of that type, using this text as the heading text. But this will be the same text for all tables with elements of that type. So not much use as a table caption.
To explain, the table title lets someone print

Some Requirements
(a table of requirements)
Table 1.

…then later in the document
Some Requirements
(another table of requirements)
Table 42


So, if I used the same text for the table caption, the table-of-tables would say:

Table 1 – Some Requiements…….page 1
Table 42- Some Requirements ……page 99

Is this what you want ?
I’ll look at the glossary table..

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