
Home Forums eaDocX queries Pre-defined tag type – URL, not formatting as link Pre-defined tag type – URL, not formatting as link

Home Forums eaDocX queries Pre-defined tag type – URL, not formatting as link Pre-defined tag type – URL, not formatting as link

Ken Norcross

I am using “https://”, but I just tried “” to be sure and it prints as plain text.

(edit: the google link above has http:// in front of it)

Not sure what the difference is here, maybe a Word option?

If I go to the tagged values window of an element and select my tag, there is a small button to the right with “…”, if I click that button the browser opens on my URL, so I know the URL is good and that Sparx knows it is a URL type tag.

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Ken Norcross. Reason: sample link text hides http://

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