
Home Forums eaDocX queries Pre-defined tag type – URL, not formatting as link

Home Forums eaDocX queries Pre-defined tag type – URL, not formatting as link

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  • #6886
    Ken Norcross

    I’ve never noticed before that you can give a tagged value a type of “URL”!
    Anyway, I’ve added the code to print them as a proper URL into, which is now available on the website. Thanks Ken.

    Ken Norcross

    Thanks for the quick fix, really appreciate the responsiveness and support.

    (Not sure what happened to my original post, I don’t see it anymore, and to me at least I see your reply text as posted by me!)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Ken Norcross.
    Ken Norcross

    I picked up today and installed. I tested the tag type URL but I do not see any difference the tag value is still just plain text in my Word output.

    eadocX Support

    That’s odd. That was the first bit of this release I built. I’ll check it ….

    eadocX Support

    I have checked this again, it it works OK for me in 3.3.11.
    I am adding a link to the Notes of an element, adding a link using the (World+Link) icon, then adding Type = “Web Site”, address = “”.
    eaDocX prints this in the Notes/Description field as a hyperlink to
    Did I misunderstand what you wanted ?

    Ken Norcross

    Yes, we have a misunderstanding.

    I’m not sure what happened to my original post in this thread, but I am talking about a URL in a sparx pre-defined tagged value type of URL.

    See here down the page:

    The URL in the notes you fixed for me a while back when I had the trial version (thanks!)

    To try the tagged value type of URL you have to go to Settings>UML Types and define a new tagged value type with the detail of:


    eadocX Support

    Ah – I see – I’ll have a look at that one as well…..

    eadocX Support

    This seems to work as well.
    I needed to put [code]””%5B/code%5D as the hyperlink, but that printed fine – I had fixed this as well.

    Ken Norcross

    I am using “https://”, but I just tried “” to be sure and it prints as plain text.

    (edit: the google link above has http:// in front of it)

    Not sure what the difference is here, maybe a Word option?

    If I go to the tagged values window of an element and select my tag, there is a small button to the right with “…”, if I click that button the browser opens on my URL, so I know the URL is good and that Sparx knows it is a URL type tag.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Ken Norcross. Reason: sample link text hides http://
    eadocX Support

    …and that’s the indication which I use to make sure I format it as a URL, not regular text.
    I can make it work with http and https in from of the URL, so i’m a bit lost as to what the issue is ???

    Ken Norcross

    I am delivering this tag as part of a custom Sparx MDG, so I tried a new tag defined using Settings>UML Types, added the tag to an element by hand, but same result.

    Didn’t expect a difference but just trying to think of possible differences.

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