
Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model? Re: Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model? Re: Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model?

eadocX Support

Looking at the error below, what has happened is that EA has stopped for some reason.
I have forwarded the EA error to the team at Sparx – this is not an error we have seen before. Your OS/EA/eaDocX configuration doesn’t look unusual, apart from Win8, so I’m waiting on Sparx to shed some light.
Once this EA error has happened, it’s hard to eaDocX to continue to play nicely, as we run inside EA. So there’s no opportunity to handle the error, and therefore to tidy-up the dangling winword.exe instances. This is why, when you try to re-start the document, it is in a strange state.
In the very unlikely event this happens again before Sparx can supply the fix, kill Winword.exe, but also then re-open the word document in native Word (i.e. not inside eaDocX). This gives Word a chance to repair the document, which it usually does OK.
You can then re-open the document in eaDocX, and continue.
As for the size of model, the SysML one is fairly small for eaDocX to handle. If you’re prepared to have an extra coffee, you can do a Quick Document on the main EAExample model – this is one of our standard test cases. The current record for any eaDocX document (in testing) is 598 pages.
Can anyone beat that ?

I’ll update this thread when there is news from Down Under.

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