
Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model?

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  • #6473
    Wayne Stidolph

    When making a moderate-sized Quick Document (from the EA SysML sample top level), I get a warning from Windows that “The Enterprise Architect – UML Development Tools has stopped working” … the dialog pops up while Word is still busily working in the eaDocX window, after a half minute or so.

    If I close the dialog or hit the “Close Program” button on the dialog then EA is aborted.
    If I let the doc generation finish then eaDocX puts up the “completed OK” dialog; but, then when I close that dialog EA aborts and the resulting doc is “locked in Word” (so I can’t delete it, can’t open it in Word, and attempting to re-gen it causes an eaDocX “fatal error” dialog).

    I can open the Task Manager, kill EA, find and kill any Microsoft Word 32-bit processes. Now I can remove the generated doc, restart EA.

    If I restart EA after the abort *without* killing the MS Word processes, I can then open eaDocX and try to open the doc – in this case, I get a modal “Server busy” dialog with only Switch To … and Retry options available, and neither works:
    – Retry just reprises the Server Busy dialog;
    – Switch To brings up the Windows 8 Start screen, so I can go to Word and confirm it doesn’t have the doc open, can close it, but when I go back to EA the modal dialog is still there and Retry is still fruitless, so I can’t get back to EA – have to go the Task Manager and kill EA from there

    It appears to be size/time-related: making a Quick Doc on a lower package (such as the child Requirements Model) works OK.

    Also – I get two Error entries in Windows Logs/Application:

    Application: EA.exe
    Framework Version: v4.0.30319
    Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
    Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException
    at EA.RepositoryClass.GetPackageByID(Int32)
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.Wrappers.EA.Model.getElementWrapperByPackageID(Int32)
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.Wrappers.EA.Diagram.get_owner()
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.Wrappers.EA.Diagram.get_fqn()

    Followed by:
    Faulting application name: EA.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50f35dba
    Faulting module name: DAO350.DLL, version: 3.51.1608.0, time stamp: 0x352b9adf
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000196b4

    (IMy EA is not using an external DB nor version control)

    EA10, build 1005, corporate edition (licensed) with SysML addin (on trial)
    eaDocX on trial (Installation Validation passes)
    Windows 8 Pro 64 bit, core i7 laptop w/16GB RAM, SSD-accelerated HD
    Word/Excel 2010 SP1 (should I upgrade to 2013?)

    Wayne Stidolph

    bump … any advice on a workaround? Is Doc Generation completing without problems for moderate-size model for other people using Windows 8? I need to make tooling recommendations to my client, like, tomorrow …

    eadocX Support

    Looking at the error below, what has happened is that EA has stopped for some reason.
    I have forwarded the EA error to the team at Sparx – this is not an error we have seen before. Your OS/EA/eaDocX configuration doesn’t look unusual, apart from Win8, so I’m waiting on Sparx to shed some light.
    Once this EA error has happened, it’s hard to eaDocX to continue to play nicely, as we run inside EA. So there’s no opportunity to handle the error, and therefore to tidy-up the dangling winword.exe instances. This is why, when you try to re-start the document, it is in a strange state.
    In the very unlikely event this happens again before Sparx can supply the fix, kill Winword.exe, but also then re-open the word document in native Word (i.e. not inside eaDocX). This gives Word a chance to repair the document, which it usually does OK.
    You can then re-open the document in eaDocX, and continue.
    As for the size of model, the SysML one is fairly small for eaDocX to handle. If you’re prepared to have an extra coffee, you can do a Quick Document on the main EAExample model – this is one of our standard test cases. The current record for any eaDocX document (in testing) is 598 pages.
    Can anyone beat that ?

    I’ll update this thread when there is news from Down Under.

    Wayne Stidolph

    (I thought I had replied but don’t see it in the Forum, so – sorry if this is repeat info.)

    It’s not “very unlikely … this happens again” – it’s completely repeatable at least on some models: a Quick Doc on a model or package of more than trivial size requires an EA restart and (inconsistently) some task/doc cleanup.

    I have upgraded to EA 1006, no improvement. (BTW, the EA upgrade lost the eaDocX trial key and I had to re-enter it.) I have upgraded to Word 2013 (in the Microsoft Office Home Premium subscription suite), no improvement.

    But I’m coming off thinking it’s really size-triggered, because I found one good-sized case where it doesn’t happen – it seems to be OK with the eaDocX GetLostSample :laugh:

    Since the upgrades I have also gotten a couple more oddities probably related to process abnormal endings: a locked file named “Document1” left over, some eaDocX Error 7 and Error 6 alerts, sometimes the output file isn’t locked at all. This varies from run to run.

    I thought maybe it’s related to a modelling mistake I made, so I created a brand new Model, using the EA SysML 1.3 AddIn, and then attempted a QuickDoc on the untouched Model. The resulting doc is attached, and the trace is copied in below.

    Hope the info helps you/EA sort out the problem!

    eaDocX Trace Information

    2/5/2013 11:46:01 AM – Opening QuickDocument
    2/5/2013 11:46:01 AM – Opening document: eaDocX Quick Document: 2/5/2013 11:46:01 AM
    2/5/2013 11:46:04 AM – Saved XML Profile in the CustomXML
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Inserting document Info section
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generating Quick Document
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generator started: eaDocX Version
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generator setting: Full
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Deleting existing bookmarks from document
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Starting generating section Section1
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generating Section: Section1
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Model
    2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, PrimitiveValueTypes
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Number
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Number
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Real
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Real
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, String
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, String
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Boolean
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Boolean
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Complex
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Complex
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>ObjectCollection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Integer
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Integer
    2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Quantity Kinds and Units for ISO 80000-1
    2/5/2013 11:46:08 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, SI Definitions
    2/5/2013 11:46:08 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ISQ base quantities and SI base units
    2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
    2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
    2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ISQ derived quantities and SI derived units with special names
    2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
    2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
    2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ISQ derived quantities and SI derived units with special names for human health
    2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
    2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
    2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Systems Engineering Model
    2/5/2013 11:46:12 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Requirements Model
    2/5/2013 11:46:12 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Specifications
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – First-time failure to insert text: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A11FD): This method or property is not available because the Clipboard is empty or not valid.
    at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range.PasteSpecial(Object& IconIndex, Object& Link, Object& Placement, Object& DisplayAsIcon, Object& DataType, Object& IconFileName, Object& IconLabel)
    at eaDocXAddIn.EAWord.InsertHTMLString(String HTMLString, Range& r). Retrying
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 2
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 2.2
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 2.1
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 1
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 1.2
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 1.1
    2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Use Cases
    2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Actor
    2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case 1
    2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case1.2
    2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case1.1
    2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case 2
    2/5/2013 11:46:15 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case2.2
    2/5/2013 11:46:15 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case2.1
    2/5/2013 11:46:15 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Interactions
    2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineInteraction, Interaction 2
    2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Sequence
    2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineInteraction, Interaction 1
    2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Sequence
    2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, State Machines
    2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineStateMachine, StateMachine 1
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: StateNode
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineState, Stopped
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineState, Init
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>BasicMethodTable starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineState, Running
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>BasicMethodTable starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Constraints
    2/5/2013 11:46:19 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Constraint 1
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, outVal
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, inVal
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, t
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, f
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart,
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, output
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, t
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, a
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, f
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Operational Domain Model
    2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, OperatingDomain
    2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, system
    2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, env
    2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart,
    2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart,
    2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Design Model
    2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, TheSystem
    2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, subsystem2
    2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, subsystem1
    2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Implementation Model
    2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – No profile is defined for: Interface<<>>
    2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Class1
    2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Class2
    2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Class3
    2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Library
    2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Blocks
    2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Sub Block 2
    2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Sub Block 1
    2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Environment
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Weather
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Noise
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Types
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Class stereotype: valueType
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: DataType
    2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ConstraintBlocks
    2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, SineWave
    2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, output
    2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, t
    2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, a
    2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, f
    2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Dimensions
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Units
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Added Package: Model
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Section generated OK: Section1
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Starting generating section Info
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Generating Section: Info
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
    2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDocument Information,
    2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Added Project data
    2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Section generated OK: Info
    2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Generating cross references
    2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Finding forward refs
    2/5/2013 11:46:29 AM – Adding references
    2/5/2013 11:46:49 AM – CrossRefHelper>>Unload Project: Failed to update footer fields
    2/5/2013 11:46:49 AM – CrossRefHelper>>Unload Project: Failed to update header fields
    2/5/2013 11:46:49 AM – Generate successful
    2/5/2013 11:46:50 AM – Quick Document generated OK.
    Save as : C:UsersWayne StidolphDocumentseaDocX Quick Document.docx

    eadocX Support

    Just so I’m clear – is the trace above from where the generate was OK, or went it went wrong?
    I ask, because the trace looks 100% ok!

    Wayne Stidolph

    The eaDocX trace is from a went-wrong (“EA has stopped working”) run; the doc (which looks at least superficially fine) is the output from that failed scenario. I posted the trace because there’s that one warning about “First-time” in it and I thought perhaps that would be a clue, though I don’t actually see how.

    There was still the same general Application Error pair in the Windows Logs/Application:

    Faulting application name: EA.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5109a97f
    Faulting module name: DAO350.DLL, version: 3.51.1608.0, time stamp: 0x352b9adf
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000196b4
    Faulting process id: 0x%9
    Faulting application start time: 0x%10
    Faulting application path: %11
    Faulting module path: %12
    Report Id: %13
    Faulting package full name: %14
    Faulting package-relative application ID: %15

    Application: EA.exe
    Framework Version: v4.0.30319
    Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
    Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException
    at EA.RepositoryClass.GetElementByID(Int32)
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.Wrappers.EA.Model.getElementWrapperByID(Int32)
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.Wrappers.EA.Diagram.get_owner()
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.Wrappers.EA.Diagram.get_fqn()
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.EANavigator.NavigatorControl.getToolTipText(TSF.UmlToolingFramework.UML.UMLItem)
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.EANavigator.NavigatorControl.makeElementNode(TSF.UmlToolingFramework.UML.UMLItem, System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode, System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode)
    at TSF.UmlToolingFramework.EANavigator.NavigatorControl.bw_DoWork(System.Object, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
    at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
    at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(System.Object)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr, System.Object[], System.Object, System.Object[] ByRef)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage, System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink)
    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.AgileAsyncWorkerItem.ThreadPoolCallBack(System.Object)
    at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(System.Object)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
    at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
    at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
    at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

    I hope EA comes up with a suggestion, this is a bit frustrating (not a good “trial” experience 🙂

    eadocX Support

    Did you notice that it is EANavigator that’s the source of the error? Is that Geert’s gadget ? Maybe de-installing that, and trying again? I didn’t notice that in the last dump.

    Wayne Stidolph

    Bingo! I disabled EANavigator and generated my complete model spec … good eye, spotting that! Thanks for your patience and help, now I can get on with the real eval/work!

    Geert Bellekens

    Hi Wayne,
    I’m sorry about that. I’ve never tested the EA Navigator together with EAdocx,
    I’m guessing the problem is that the EA Navigator keeps doing its job in the background when EAdoxc is generating a document; which leads to conflicts.
    What you could to is turn the option “Track Selected Element” off in the EA Navigator. In that case it will only do something when you actually select a menu option from the add-in.
    In the meantime I’ll try to figure out a real solution.


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