
Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model? Re: Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model? Re: Can’t Quick Doc moderate size model?

Wayne Stidolph

(I thought I had replied but don’t see it in the Forum, so – sorry if this is repeat info.)

It’s not “very unlikely … this happens again” – it’s completely repeatable at least on some models: a Quick Doc on a model or package of more than trivial size requires an EA restart and (inconsistently) some task/doc cleanup.

I have upgraded to EA 1006, no improvement. (BTW, the EA upgrade lost the eaDocX trial key and I had to re-enter it.) I have upgraded to Word 2013 (in the Microsoft Office Home Premium subscription suite), no improvement.

But I’m coming off thinking it’s really size-triggered, because I found one good-sized case where it doesn’t happen – it seems to be OK with the eaDocX GetLostSample :laugh:

Since the upgrades I have also gotten a couple more oddities probably related to process abnormal endings: a locked file named “Document1” left over, some eaDocX Error 7 and Error 6 alerts, sometimes the output file isn’t locked at all. This varies from run to run.

I thought maybe it’s related to a modelling mistake I made, so I created a brand new Model, using the EA SysML 1.3 AddIn, and then attempted a QuickDoc on the untouched Model. The resulting doc is attached, and the trace is copied in below.

Hope the info helps you/EA sort out the problem!

eaDocX Trace Information

2/5/2013 11:46:01 AM – Opening QuickDocument
2/5/2013 11:46:01 AM – Opening document: eaDocX Quick Document: 2/5/2013 11:46:01 AM
2/5/2013 11:46:04 AM – Saved XML Profile in the CustomXML
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Inserting document Info section
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generating Quick Document
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generator started: eaDocX Version
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generator setting: Full
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Deleting existing bookmarks from document
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Starting generating section Section1
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Generating Section: Section1
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Model
2/5/2013 11:46:06 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, PrimitiveValueTypes
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Number
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Number
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Real
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Real
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, String
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, String
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Boolean
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Boolean
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Complex
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Complex
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>ObjectCollection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDataType, Integer
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>Attributes starting for element type:DataType, Integer
2/5/2013 11:46:07 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Quantity Kinds and Units for ISO 80000-1
2/5/2013 11:46:08 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, SI Definitions
2/5/2013 11:46:08 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ISQ base quantities and SI base units
2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
2/5/2013 11:46:09 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ISQ derived quantities and SI derived units with special names
2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
2/5/2013 11:46:10 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ISQ derived quantities and SI derived units with special names for human health
2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
2/5/2013 11:46:11 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Systems Engineering Model
2/5/2013 11:46:12 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Requirements Model
2/5/2013 11:46:12 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Specifications
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – First-time failure to insert text: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A11FD): This method or property is not available because the Clipboard is empty or not valid.
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range.PasteSpecial(Object& IconIndex, Object& Link, Object& Placement, Object& DisplayAsIcon, Object& DataType, Object& IconFileName, Object& IconLabel)
at eaDocXAddIn.EAWord.InsertHTMLString(String HTMLString, Range& r). Retrying
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 2
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 2.2
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 2.1
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 1
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 1.2
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineRequirement, Requirement 1.1
2/5/2013 11:46:13 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Use Cases
2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Actor
2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case 1
2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case1.2
2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case1.1
2/5/2013 11:46:14 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case 2
2/5/2013 11:46:15 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case2.2
2/5/2013 11:46:15 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Use Case2.1
2/5/2013 11:46:15 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Interactions
2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineInteraction, Interaction 2
2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Sequence
2/5/2013 11:46:16 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineInteraction, Interaction 1
2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Sequence
2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, State Machines
2/5/2013 11:46:17 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineStateMachine, StateMachine 1
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: StateNode
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineState, Stopped
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineState, Init
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>BasicMethodTable starting
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineState, Running
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>BasicMethodTable starting
2/5/2013 11:46:18 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Constraints
2/5/2013 11:46:19 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Constraint 1
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, outVal
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, inVal
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, t
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, f
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart,
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, output
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, t
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, a
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, f
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Operational Domain Model
2/5/2013 11:46:20 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, OperatingDomain
2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, system
2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, env
2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart,
2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart,
2/5/2013 11:46:21 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Design Model
2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, TheSystem
2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, subsystem2
2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, subsystem1
2/5/2013 11:46:22 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Implementation Model
2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – No profile is defined for: Interface<<>>
2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Class1
2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Class2
2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Class3
2/5/2013 11:46:23 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Library
2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Blocks
2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Sub Block 2
2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Sub Block 1
2/5/2013 11:46:24 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Environment
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Weather
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, Noise
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Types
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Class stereotype: valueType
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: DataType
2/5/2013 11:46:25 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, ConstraintBlocks
2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineClass, SineWave
2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, output
2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, t
2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, a
2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePart, f
2/5/2013 11:46:26 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Dimensions
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: quantityKind
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, Units
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>GenericTable of: Object stereotype: unit
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Added Package: Model
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Section generated OK: Section1
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Starting generating section Info
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Generating Section: Info
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>Collection starting
2/5/2013 11:46:27 AM – Gen>>CommonInlineDocument Information,
2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Added Project data
2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Section generated OK: Info
2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Generating cross references
2/5/2013 11:46:28 AM – Finding forward refs
2/5/2013 11:46:29 AM – Adding references
2/5/2013 11:46:49 AM – CrossRefHelper>>Unload Project: Failed to update footer fields
2/5/2013 11:46:49 AM – CrossRefHelper>>Unload Project: Failed to update header fields
2/5/2013 11:46:49 AM – Generate successful
2/5/2013 11:46:50 AM – Quick Document generated OK.
Save as : C:UsersWayne StidolphDocumentseaDocX Quick Document.docx

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