
Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocX fails on sample project Re: eaDocX fails on sample project

Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocX fails on sample project Re: eaDocX fails on sample project

Patrick Julian

Hm. In the meantime I have installed the Office 2010 trial.

Now it only says “Failed to insert new section. Please re-start EA and eaDocX and re-load the document. If problem persists, please contact eaDocX support.”

Additionally, in Office 2010, there is a GUI error:

The only modification that I made to Word 2007 was to activate the display of the developer toolbar in the UI (can be done under under Word Options). I deactivated that and it had no effect so I think we can rule that out.

Quite interestingly, after I uninstalled the Office 2010 trial and went back to Office 2007, the Installation Validation now says “High Level interface is ok”. Also the generator runs without the fatal exception.
However, the document rendered only contains the very first page which reads “Quick Document
Produced using eaDocX ‘Quick Document’.”
The other sections are only visible as an entry in the preview on the left side.

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