
Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing children of children inline format Re: Printing children of children inline format

Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing children of children inline format Re: Printing children of children inline format

eadocX Support

Make sure that the ‘Requirement’ element will print it’s Children. Most of the default profiles we supply don’t have this – probably because in our models, we don’t use this kind of parent/child relationship between requirements – we use explicit relationships.

…but if you want to do it this way…

  • Find the Profile for ‘Requirement’ (either right-click in the Preview page and select Profile, or, in the Profile pane, select ‘Requirement’
  • to work, Requirements MUST print as ‘inline’ NOT ‘table’, so change that if necessary
  • Select “Attributes of This Element” | Standard Attributes | Children

This will then print the Requirements recursively. They will also have nested heading levels.

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