
Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing children of children inline format

Home Forums eaDocX queries Printing children of children inline format

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  • #5812
    Michael DaParma


    Does anybody know how to get children of children to print?

    So if in my project structure I have the following (say all have the same functional stereotype and each requirement has a parent-child relationship with the one above it)

    Requirement 1.0
    Requirement 1.1
    Requirement 1.1.1

    Would expect the program to recrusively traverse the starting point in the hierarchy (top parent added to a document section) and print each child element in turn using the profile defined for the given stereotype (except the heading levels would decrease with each child).

    Tried this and it doesn’t work. It just prints the top level requirement and nothing else yet the preview structure seems like its supposed to work fine.

    What am I missing here?

    eadocX Support

    Make sure that the ‘Requirement’ element will print it’s Children. Most of the default profiles we supply don’t have this – probably because in our models, we don’t use this kind of parent/child relationship between requirements – we use explicit relationships.

    …but if you want to do it this way…

    • Find the Profile for ‘Requirement’ (either right-click in the Preview page and select Profile, or, in the Profile pane, select ‘Requirement’
    • to work, Requirements MUST print as ‘inline’ NOT ‘table’, so change that if necessary
    • Select “Attributes of This Element” | Standard Attributes | Children

    This will then print the Requirements recursively. They will also have nested heading levels.

    Michael DaParma

    We build our requirements as a hierarchy because BAs in our group prefer to use paragraph style requirements so like FR1 would be 1 page long. When systems analysts import requirements into EA for traceability to test cases and code we decompose them into sub requirements based on our judgement after they have been baselined.

    I got your suggestion to work but the consequence of this is I am unable to print any requirement of that stereotype in a table format within the same document.

    eadocX Support

    Ah – there’s a trick for that.
    If you want Requirements to print INLINE in one part of the document and TABLE in another, then create an Element Report (eaDocX menu | Add Section | Element Report).
    There, you can define which package the requirements are in, and decide to print them as a Table, with it’s own formatting.

    Remember also that, if you’re using the EA/eaDocX approach, you can also create multiple documents, with totally different formatting for different audiences, and generate them together as a Document Set. This is how we tackle this problem, rather than trying to create a one-document-suits-all approach.



    I’m trying to extract a package containing parent-children requirements by inserting an element report. But, I’m not able to get the sorting right (as displayed in EA project browser).

    I have attached a screenshot of how the elements are displayed in the EA project browser and how they are displayed in the extracted table. Please advice on how to get it.

    I want the table to display:



    eadocX Support

    Please see the eaDocX FAQ “my elements aren’t in the right order’


    Thanks for your quick reply. I tried googling out some sorta workaround.

    Saw this link –

    Is it hard to emulate the “up” and “down” actions and setting the sorting data in EA db through a script? I’m not a techie. Would be great if someone is able to write a script and we run it before generating a document. Just that my repository has hundreds of elements and its going to be hard to do the “up/down” for each element.

    Kindly advice.

    eadocX Support

    No need to do for each element: just one element under each package. That sets the sort order for all the others.


    Cool. Thats an easy trick.

    Now, before I saw your reply, this is what I did. Looks like my trick also worked. I’m not sure if this is a smart way and if I have done some mistake!

    Step 1: Selected my root model folder. Open eaXL.
    Step 2: In left pane, Elements > Requirement (ticked it)
    Step 3: Nextly, Columns > Name, SortOrder (ticked these)
    Step 4: Export data to the worksheet -> clicked. Now, I see all my requirements and 90% of my the rows having zero under SortOrder field
    Step 5: Updated the SortOrder with a series 1, 2, 3… so on – using excel fill series.
    Step 6: Import data back to EA

    Now I extracted my document and the order is fine.

    Please share your thoughts. By the way, your add-ons is simply awesome!

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