
Home Forums eaDocX queries Subtitels of Diagramms: no style; fixed text Re: Subtitels of Diagramms: no style; fixed text

Home Forums eaDocX queries Subtitels of Diagramms: no style; fixed text Re: Subtitels of Diagramms: no style; fixed text

eadocX Support

Hi Joerg,
I’ll take your comments one at a time.

the ‘Figure’ word: you’re quite right – it’s us Engligh speaker trying to take over the world. I’ll make it a configurable, application-level setting in the next 2.1 Beta (later this week)

Styles for Diagram Notes: I thought about this as I was doing 2.1, but wasn’t sure it was useful – clearly it is! I’ll also try to get this into the next Beta

Diagram Notes: I thought this was printed? I’ll have a look. It seems to me that you should be able to configure whether or not diagram notes are printed, so I’ll have a look at this. I’ll update this thread when I’ve found out.

frohe Weihnachten

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