
Home Forums eaDocX queries MS Office versions Support for MS Office versions

Home Forums eaDocX queries MS Office versions Support for MS Office versions

eadocX Support

This problem seems to be connected with having versions of some the Word DLLs on your machine from different versions of Word.
Sometime this is because a machine used to have Office 2007/2010 components pre-installed, then office 2003 installed afterwards: the OS then has a mixture of 2003 and 2007 DLLs, which eaDocX can’t cope with. (or any other application which tries to inter-operate with word).
Solution MAY be to de-install any Office 2007 PIA (Primary Interop Assembly) files from your machine.
Can you say whether this is the case on your machine?

(For future posters, the Word error was 0x8002801D TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)

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