
Home Forums eaDocX queries Accessing Repository causes error

Home Forums eaDocX queries Accessing Repository causes error

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  • #7581
    Laszlo Mihalka


    starting EADocx very first time causes following error: table T_OBJECTS doesn’t not exist. There is probably an access right problem. What kind of right ?

    Remarks: I’m accessing a company repository, EA works fine.

    Thanks a lot,


    eadocX Support

    When eaDocX accesses the EA repository directly – which it has to do because there aren’t the required APIs in EA – it uses upper-case table names. This works OK in all the major DBMSs, when they are configured normally. We’ve tried it with SQLServer, Oracle, MySQL and EAP files.
    BUT, we know that it is possible to configure some DBMSs so that they are case sensitive, so, we issue SQL to look at T_OBJECTS, and it only has a t_objects table.
    We have so far not found a pattern to when this happens, and it would be a MAJOR change to eaDocX to allow for case-sensitive SQL, as we will have to parse the results in mixed case as well.
    So, have a look at the case sensitivity of your DBMS.
    Also, EA itself seems to be OK with this, it’s just SQL issues via EA which has the problem.

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