
Home Forums eaDocX queries Case sensitivity – Add element in Profile view

Home Forums eaDocX queries Case sensitivity – Add element in Profile view

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  • #6687

    In Tab Profile button Add Element … produces an error message. (see attached image).
    The reason seems to be case sensitivity. eaDocx uses upper case table names, while the script provided by sparxsystems uses all lower case table names.

    eadocX Support

    please can you tell me the full config of your machine: OS, Office, DBMS EA, eaDocX, so that I can reproduce.


    Windows 7 64bit running EA 9.2.921 with eaDocx
    Database is mysql, hosted on ubuntu (as seen in screenshot)

    current workaround:
    exporting the database to a local .eap file and adding the elements while working on the local database.

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