
Home Forums eaDocX queries Different Format for a same element/stereotype

Home Forums eaDocX queries Different Format for a same element/stereotype

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  • #6809
    Wayne Li

    I need to print different format for a same element (e.g class)/stereotype in different sections. I tried to Add different element in Profile, but it always apply to the whole document. Anyone knows how to resolve it.


    Heather Wallace

    I’ve always got around this problem by outputting the conficting sections as separate eaDocX documents and manually fitting them together in MS Word. Not ideal. I believe this is what the eaDocX element report is designed for (I plan to try it out shortly). I think the profile for a stereotype within an element report can be different from the profile that applies to the rest of the document.

    HTH (keen to see if a moderator agrees!)


    eadocX Support

    The Moderator does agree!
    Listen to Heather – she speaks wisdom.

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