
Home Forums eaDocX queries DISTINCT Informaiton Items

Home Forums eaDocX queries DISTINCT Informaiton Items

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  • #7009
    Heather Wallace


    I’m using the Information Flow relationship to output all Information Items produced or consumed (as separate columns) by a particular activity or node regardless of the target/source. There may be many information flows that convey the same information item to different targets (or from different sources), so I’m getting lists such as:

    Threat Information,
    Threat Information,
    Threat Information

    Is there any way of achieving a deduplicated list? This is pretty important for us.



    eadocX Support

    can you email a little XMI with some example data, and an idea of what you’d want eaDocX to produce, and under what circumstances?

    Heather Wallace

    A noddy example


    eadocX Support

    How did you get the groovy connector lines with arrows in the middle?

    Heather Wallace

    Flattery will get you everywhere! But this is more EA’s way of doing things than UML.

    I drew an association, then a separate information flow. Then I used right-click > Advanced > Information Flows Realized…. to associate the two. Its much easier to manage than lots of separate lines. Also works for control flows, very useful.

    I didn’t realize the xmi hadn’t uploaded. I’ve zipped it this time.

    eadocX Support

    Had a look at this: disproportionately hard.
    Making the list distinct across a single connector is OK: across many is hard, and quite disruptive: I’d have a to change a LOT of stuff to get this to work.
    So for now, I’m not able to do this…sorry

    Heather Wallace

    I’m very sad 🙁

    eadocX Support

    I’m sad that you’re sad.


    I have created SQL queries that will remove the duplicates. Here is an example of one I created:

    SELECT DISTINCT t_objectproperties.Object_ID AS ‘ID’, t_object.Name, t_object.ea_guid as CLASSGUID
    FROM t_object, t_objectproperties
    WHERE (t_object.Object_Type=’UseCase’ AND t_object.Object_ID=t_objectproperties.Object_ID AND (
    ((t_objectproperties.Property)=’Objective’) AND ((t_objectproperties.Value) Is Null) OR
    ((t_objectproperties.Property)=’Post Conditions’) AND ((t_objectproperties.Value) Is Null) OR
    ((t_objectproperties.Property)=’Preconditions’) AND ((t_objectproperties.Value) Is Null) OR
    ((t_objectproperties.Property)=’Trigger Stimulus’) AND ((t_objectproperties.Value) Is Null)

    Perhaps you can do something similar with your problem.

    (Note, to write the more complicated SQL, I usually open the EA.eap file with MS Acess. I create the query using the design view.)

    Heather Wallace

    Cheers, it was my intention to tackle this via MS Access (no time to pursue this further yet). I presume this is just a work around to generate an Excel table to include as a separate section?


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