
Home Forums eaDocX queries Document Role – Sorting

Home Forums eaDocX queries Document Role – Sorting

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  • #6729
    Paul Jarvis

    I would like to apply sorting to the document roles table, preferably by role and then by name. That way ‘Approvers’ would automatically appear at the top of the list with ‘Reviewers’ and ‘Information only’ each grouped together below.
    Also, I generally use the Notes column to describe the role of the person (in the organisation) and it would be good to be able to pick this up from the relevant actor’s notes rather than from the name of the link which is tiresome to continually have to name.

    Jeff Parkhouse

    I second this.

    As a suggestion to possible solutions:
    – Ability to auto-sort roles
    – Ability to manually set the order roles appear. For example in the EA project browser you can change the order elements appear by using the green up and down arrows.

    eadocX Support

    No reason this wasn’t done. Done it now. fixed in, now available.
    Just sort the Document Role as you would any other element.

    Paul Jarvis

    Top man!

    Jeff Parkhouse


    Thanks for fixing this. I am using and still getting the same issue in that I can’t sort. Sorting the elements in EA in the Roles package isn’t doing anything. And modifing a role puts it at the bottom of the list. Am I missing something?


    eadocX Support

    Sorting the items in the EA Package will have no effect.
    eaDocX discovers which roles are linked to the document each time the document is re-generated, so sequence in the package is irrelevant. Hence the need to sort once we’ve found the list of roles. If you don’t specify a sort column, eaDocX will just print the roles in the order that they come out of EA, which is pseudo-random.

    Jeff Parkhouse

    Hi Ian/Adrian

    Thanks for the response. Reading between the lines what I think I was missing was that we can sort using the “profile” for “document roles”.

    1) However that is simplistic sorting by role so Approver would come before Author, and I may want them the other way round.

    2) How is the sorting in the Document Details > Roles held within eaDocX? Whatever sequence I leave them in appears next time I open the model.

    3) Amending a Role then puts the role at the bottom of the list.

    Apologies to PJarvis – I haven’t intended to hijack your post but it appears we had similar needs! Tell me to clear off….


    Paul Jarvis

    Jeff, no problem. I wanted to achieve something very simple and it met my needs at the time. I hadn’t really thought about more complicated ordering and I may or may not take advantage of it if it is possible to achieve. The discussion, I find, is the interesting part and helps in my understanding of the product.

    eadocX Support

    Answer to Jeff’s questions:
    1 – The sorting uses the same sort process as the rest of eaDocX; it would be too disruptive to give it it’s own special one, where you can effectively sort the results in any order. Remember this has to work multi-language as well!

    2 – FYI, sort data is held in the Profile in same way as all other element types: a single attribute is flagged as ‘use for sorting’ and a simple ‘A-Z’ or ‘Z-A’ flag: if you save the profile, this should be fairly obvious

    3 – As I mentioned above, specifying no sort order means eaDocX will print the Roles in whatever order EA returns them, when it navigates the link from the Document Element to the People elements

    If it helps, you may change the name of the roles in Application Settings: Document Management Default settings. You might choose alternative words for ‘Approver’ etc whichi sort in the way you want e.g. ‘1 -myRoleA’, 2 – myRoleB’ etc. This is to allow for non-English languages, but you could use for this as well.

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