
Home Forums eaDocX queries EA Search and sort order

Home Forums eaDocX queries EA Search and sort order

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  • #7892
    Neil Clayton

    When using an EA Search as the Source for a Report Section, it would be good to have a flag to indicate whether the output should be sorted by the order embedded in the EA Search query (and as displayed in EA) or to use EADocX’s default sort order.

    eadocX Support

    Can you post an example of your SQL, which has an embedded sort order?

    Neil Clayton

    Here’s the SQL the Search Term used was ‘Data Warehouse Features’.

    [code]select O.ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, O.Object_Type AS CLASSTYPE, O.Name, O.Note, ‘Capability’ as Item, TV.Value AS CapabilityRef, TV0.Value AS CapabilityRefL0, TV1.Value AS CapabilityRefL1, TV2.Value AS CapabilityRefL2, TV3.Value AS CapabilityRefL3, TV4.Value AS CapabilityRefL4
    from t_object O
    inner join t_diagramobjects DO on O.object_id = DO.object_id
    inner join t_diagram D on D.diagram_id = DO.diagram_id
    left join t_objectproperties TV on O.object_id = TV.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRef’
    left join t_objectproperties TV0 on O.object_id = TV0.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL0’
    left join t_objectproperties TV1 on O.object_id = TV1.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL1’
    left join t_objectproperties TV2 on O.object_id = TV2.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL2’
    left join t_objectproperties TV3 on O.object_id = TV3.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL3’
    left join t_objectproperties TV4 on O.object_id = TV4.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL4’
    where = ‘‘ and O.Stereotype = ‘Archimate_BusinessFunction’
    union all
    select O.ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, O.Object_Type AS CLASSTYPE, O.Name, O.Note, ‘Feature’ as Item, TV.Value AS CapabilityRef, TV0.Value AS CapabilityRefL0, TV1.Value AS CapabilityRefL1, TV2.Value AS CapabilityRefL2, TV3.Value AS CapabilityRefL3, TV4.Value AS CapabilityRefL4
    from t_object O
    inner join t_diagramobjects DO on O.object_id = DO.object_id
    inner join t_diagram D on D.diagram_id = DO.diagram_id
    inner join t_connector C on C.start_object_id = O.object_id
    inner join t_object CO on C.end_object_id = CO.object_ID and CO.Stereotype = ‘Archimate_BusinessFunction’
    left join t_objectproperties TV on CO.object_id = TV.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRef’
    left join t_objectproperties TV0 on CO.object_id = TV0.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL0’
    left join t_objectproperties TV1 on CO.object_id = TV1.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL1’
    left join t_objectproperties TV2 on CO.object_id = TV2.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL2’
    left join t_objectproperties TV3 on CO.object_id = TV3.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL3’
    left join t_objectproperties TV4 on CO.object_id = TV4.object_id and = ‘CapabilityRefL4’
    where = ‘
    ‘ and O.object_type = ‘Feature’
    order by CapabilityRefL0, CapabilityRefL1, CapabilityRefL2, CapabilityRefL3, CapabilityRefL4, Item[/code]

    Neil Clayton

    I had meant to add that if you would like an EAP with suitable data in let me know what e-mail address to send it to and I’ll oblige — it’s about 3.5MB.

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