
Home Forums eaDocX queries EaDocXL – Can’t edit spreadsheet

Home Forums eaDocX queries EaDocXL – Can’t edit spreadsheet

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  • #8978
    Dina O’Donnell

    This is a strange bug, I was able to open eadocxl perfectly fine one day to import/export repository content, and the next day when I open EADOCXL all the excel spreadsheet does is flash, and I can’t place my cursor in the spreadsheet to start editing.

    Any ideas what’s happened? I’ve updated my licence this morning to the latest release. It continues to flash if I manually open Excel external to Sparx as well.

    eadocX Support

    Sounds like a glitch in Excel – never seen this before. Can it be recovered using the Office recovery mechanism?
    (Perhaps this happens every time there’s a solar eclipse? 🙂 )

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