
Home Forums eaDocX queries Edit Report – Paragraph Breaks in Description

Home Forums eaDocX queries Edit Report – Paragraph Breaks in Description

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  • #7201
    John McPherson

    I’m using “Edit Report” (right-click on report/ select “Show Profile”) to modify the properties of a report. I wrote something in the description, including paragraph breaks. The description renders nicely, with the exception that the paragraph breaks do not appear e.g.

    Edit Report/Description:
    “This is the first paragraph of my description.

    And this is the second paragraph.”

    reports as…

    “This is the first paragraph of my description. And this is the second paragraph.”

    I have tried using: Tools/Options and Settings/Compact Document to resolve this, with no success. (I tried both True and False settings). I am using Word 2007 (12.0.6683.5002) SP3 MSO (12.0.6683.5000).

    Is there anything else I can try?

    eadocX Support

    You’re quite right!
    …so we’ve fixed it in the December maintenance release ( now available on the website.
    Well spotted!

    John McPherson

    I gave this a try and the paragraph breaks now appear. I have some new problems that are related.
    1) The second and subsequent paragraphs are in a different format from the first
    2) The first paragraph is in “Normal” format. I had expected all paragraphs to be in my own format, as specified in: Tools/Options and Settings/Inline text settings/Normal inline text style
    See attached files for demo.

    John McPherson

    Zip file now attached!

    P.S. Not desperate for a fix/answer as I have a good workaround for my project

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